Can you guess assets by emoji?
Some questions can have two or more correct answers
Welcome to our Emoji Trading Challenge!
Below you’ll find 6 questions, each containing a series of emojis. Your task is to guess which financial asset or trading term they represent. At the end of the test, check the results sheet to see how well you know your trading!
US Dollar (Currency)
EUR (Currency)
Rising Oil Prices
Falling Oil Prices
💻 🍏
Apple Inc. (Stock)
Intel (Stock)
📉 🐻
Bear Market
Bull Market
📈 🔝
Bull Market
Bear Market
🌾 🍞
Wheat (Commodity)
Grass (Commodity)
Expert Trader
Key recommendations:
Impressive! You’re well-versed in the trading world. Continue honing your skills and staying updated on market trends.
Intermediate Trader
Key recommendations:
You have a good grasp of trading assets and terms. There’s room for growth, so keep pushing your limits!
Beginner Trader
Key recommendations:
You’re just starting on your trading journey. Keep learning and exploring the markets!
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